Relay For Life
This project is being sponsored by the 2010 Relay For Life team Tiger Temptresses and Tempters from the College of Technology at Idaho State University. Our goals in hosting this challenge are simple:
  • To help raise funds and awareness for Relay For Life and the efforts of the American Cancer Society in eliminating the scourge of cancer from the world.
  • To help promote healthy living and weight loss at the College of Technology, Idaho State University, and the Pocatello area.
  • To have fun and encourage a sense of community, support, and general wellness.
  • This challenge will cover eight weeks, culminating at the Relay for Life event on July 16th, 2010. The event will be held at the Century High School Track in Pocatello, Idaho.

    How This Works

    Posted by Clayn on

    1. The challenge is open to anyone, anywhere.  While the challenge is being hosted by a group from the College of Technology at Idaho State University, we would like to encourage anyone to join.  This includes spouses, family member, community members, neighbors, whoever.
    2. To join, a participant must pay $20.00 by May 21st.  This is a per-person fee.
    3. You must weigh in every Friday beginning on May 21st and you must use the same scale every time. 
    4. You will report your weight using the site form by 6 pm each Friday. 
    5. You may use your own name or you may use a made up name to make things fun. You may also submit a picture if you wish to go along with your name (we can all laugh at ourselves, right?) The funnier the picture the better.  This will be posted on the "Starting Line-up" page.
    6. You will be required to pay $5.00 into the pot each week if you do not lose at least 1 pound,. We will round to the nearest pound. 
    7. I will list the weekly and overall leaders by 8:00 am each Saturday.
    8. The final weigh in will be on July 16th, the day of the Relay. If you plan to be out of town on that Friday, make sure you are using a scale that can travel with you.
    9. Also, we want this to be a good experience for all, so let's be healthy, have fun, and be honest. It will be fun to encourage each other, share recipes, and discuss healthy lifestyle ideas that we learn along the way. I have had a good experience so far and I hope that all of you can as well.